Get off My Back! How to Deal with Debt Collectors - ClayWallet

Get off My Back! How to Deal with Debt Collectors

Are you receiving harassing daily calls from collection agencies asking for payments? Maybe your account isn’t yet in collections but the credit card company is beginning to call on a regular basis.

Whatever the case is, you are beginning to wonder about how to deal with debt collectors. These companies can be ruthless, some going as far as showing up at your work or home.

We’re going to discuss how you can deal with these people and what you can legally do to get them off your back! Keep reading for more information!

Don’t Ignore the Problem

If you are receiving several calls per day from multiple lines or daily letters, it is easy to ignore these collectors by blocking the number or returning the mail. This is one of the worst things you can do.

Instead, attempt to communicate with these agencies and work out a payment plan. Also, look into your rights as a consumer. These companies don’t always follow the law which can ultimately work in your favor.

Hire an Attorney

Collectors can sue for unpaid debts. Some of these debts are not within the statute of limitations or the agency can’t always prove that you owe them. Agencies also have a habit of breaking federal guidelines while trying to collect debts.

To protect yourself from debt collection a lawsuit that counters theirs with allegations of unfair, deceptive, or illegal collection techniques can help. This counter suit will not erase the debt, but any settlement may be put toward your initial balance.

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Also remember that once you have an attorney, collections agencies are not to contact you. All communication must be handled through your lawyer.

Protect Your Accounts

If you choose a payment plan, avoid paying your monthly note with a debit or credit card. Also, do not give the agency permission to withdraw funds directly from your account.

These collectors can be ruthless and if you fall behind, they can use your information to continue to withdraw money. Even if you revoke the collector’s ability to withdraw funds, this is not a guarantee that collection attempts will stop.

Continued collections after the revocation of access to your account are illegal but it happens often. You will have to file paperwork at your bank to block withdrawals from these companies

The ideal way to make any payments is through a third-party service or money order. This ensures that your accounts remain safe and your necessities (food, medicine, rent, and utilities) get paid.

How to Deal With Debt Collectors: Final Tips

Chances are, you will have contact with at least one debt collection agency. It is easy to get frustrated and angry with the person calling you. Explaining your situation is a good idea and may make the agency more willing to compromise.

The worst thing you can do is get overly irate, use profanity, or agree to a payment plan with no intention of following through. All calls are recorded and behaving in this manner will do nothing but hurt your case if you receive a summons to court.

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