Personal Finance - ClayWallet

Voice Over IP for Businesses: Why You Need It and How to Get It

Do your employees receive a deluge of phone calls every day? Do they ricochet between the phone, their desktop, and the fax machine for hours on end? This flood of activity can leave employees feeling drained and scattered as they run from one task to the next, attempting to keep customers happy and communication with other employees clear and … Read more

Building Loyalty: Tips for Making and Maintaining Happy Customers

Keeping customers is one of the most challenging things about running a business. However, if you can improve your customer retention, you’ll save time and money. On average, it costs about five times more to acquire new customers than it does to retain current customers. Focusing your marketing dollars and time to build loyalty is going to … Read more

8 Smart Reasons to Use Employee Name Badges

Have you ever had a moment where you completely forgot your co-worker’s name? If you were embarrassed then think about how the other person felt. You can try to hide it but after saying “hey man” or “hey you” for the tenth time, it will be painfully obvious that you’ve no inkling of what to … Read more

Does Phone Marketing Still Work In The Modern Business World?

Everybody hates getting cold calls from companies and most people will hang up almost immediately. So, surely, you should just give up on phone marketing in your business because you’re not going to see any returns on it? You can just rely on social media and content marketing and find your customers that way instead. While … Read more

9 Common Computer Problems for Small Businesses and Their Solutions

Technological advancements have allowed small businesses to compete more closely with large corporations. However, small businesses struggle with tech issues daily. This is not surprising considering that 27% of small businesses have no IT support. This makes it difficult for owners to avoid or resolve common computer problems. The first step towards resolving these issues is learning what … Read more

5 Modern Business Cards That Aren\’t So 2000 and Late

If you gotta get that, you can’t have business cards that don’t have that boom boom pow! If modern business cards are your thing, here are 5 that are future-approved. Business cards might seem like an archaic and boring thing to have. But it’s surprising how important business cards actually are. You might think that … Read more

Is the Business Plan Really Dead?

If you’re an entrepreneur, you’ve probably come across a few articles proclaiming the Death of the Business Plan. And perhaps you breathed a huge sigh of relief and thought to yourself: “Hooray! Now I can launch my venture without doing a lot of tedious planning!” R.I.P. Whoa. Not so fast. These “Death of the Business … Read more

13 Best Business Card Design Ideas to Clients

Did you know that business cards started back in the 15th century and served as calling cards to announce entrance with other individuals? Well, you now have a heads up! Today, business cards are meant to share your contact details with prospective clients, but it doesn’t mean that it has to be dull or boring. To make … Read more

How to Find the Best 3D Printing Service for Your Business

In 2018, 70 percent of businesses increased their investments in 3D printing technology, and that number is expected to rise in 2019 and beyond. 3D printing is especially beneficial to folks working in the aeronautics industry, but all kinds of businesses are making use of 3D printing technology. Are you interested in using 3D printing for your … Read more