What Increases Your Total Loan Balance? and How to Avoid It - ClayWallet

What Increases Your Total Loan Balance? and How to Avoid It

A loan balance is the amount of money you still owe on a loan. It is calculated by subtracting the amount of money you have already repaid from the original loan amount.

There are a number of factors that can increase your loan balance, including interest, late payments, missed payments, deferment and forbearance, choosing an extended repayment plan, and making less than the minimum payment.

Here are the factors that can increase your total loan balance;

1. Interest

Interest is the cost of borrowing money. It is calculated as a percentage of the loan amount and is charged on a daily basis. The longer you take to repay your loan, the more interest you will pay.

For example, if you borrow $10,000 at an interest rate of 5%, you will pay $500 in interest each year. If you repay your loan over 10 years, you will pay a total of $5,000 in interest.

2. Late payments and missed payments

If you make a late payment on your loan, you will usually be charged a late fee. This fee can range from $10 to $30, or more. If you miss a payment altogether, your lender may report you to the credit bureaus, which can damage your credit score.

A low credit score can make it more difficult to get a loan in the future, and it can also result in higher interest rates on future loans.

3. Deferred payments

Deferred payments are a type of payment plan that allows you to temporarily pause your loan payments. This can be helpful if you are experiencing financial hardship, but it is important to note that interest will continue to accrue during the deferment period.

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At the end of the deferment period, you will be required to make all of the missed payments, plus interest. This can significantly increase your loan balance.

4. Capitalization of interest

Capitalization of interest is when unpaid interest is added to the principal balance of your loan. This can happen if you make late payments or missed payments, or if you choose a repayment plan with a grace period.

Capitalization of interest can significantly increase your loan balance and make it more difficult to repay your loan.

5. Other factors

In addition to interest, late payments, missed payments, deferred payments, and capitalization of interest, there are other factors that can increase your loan balance. These include:

  • Borrowing more money. If you borrow more money, your loan balance will be higher.
  • Choosing a longer repayment period. If you choose a longer repayment period, you will pay less each month, but you will also pay more interest over the life of the loan.
  • Making less than the minimum payment. If you make less than the minimum payment, you will not be paying enough to cover the interest on your loan, and your balance will increase.
  • Making payments late or missing payments. Late payments and missed payments can lead to late fees, higher interest rates, and capitalization of interest, all of which can increase your loan balance.
  • Making payments with high fees. Some loans have high fees associated with them, such as origination fees and prepayment penalties. These fees can add to your loan balance.

How to reduce your loan balance

There are a number of things you can do to reduce your loan balance:

  • Make more than the minimum payment. This is the single most important thing you can do to reduce your loan balance. Even if you can only afford to make a small extra payment each month, it will make a big difference over time.
  • Refinance your loan. If you have a high-interest loan, you may be able to refinance it to a lower interest rate. This can save you a lot of money in interest over the life of the loan.
  • Consolidate your loans. If you have multiple loans, you may be able to consolidate them into one loan with a lower interest rate. This can make it easier to manage your payments and save money on interest.
  • Get a loan forgiveness program. If you work in a public service job, you may be eligible for a loan forgiveness program. This can help you pay off your loan debt for free.
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How to avoid increasing your loan balance

To avoid increasing your loan balance, it is important to make your payments on time and in full. You should also avoid making late payments or missed payments, as this can lead to late fees, higher interest rates, and capitalization of interest.

It is also important to choose a repayment plan that you can afford. If you choose a repayment plan that is too long, you will pay more interest over the life of the loan.

By following these tips, you can reduce your loan balance and save money on interest.


Your loan balance can increase for a number of reasons, including interest, late payments, missed payments, deferred payments, and capitalization of interest. There are a number of things you can do to reduce your loan balance, such as making more than the minimum payment, refinancing your loan, consolidating your loans, and getting a loan forgiveness program. By following these tips, you can reduce your loan balance and save money on interest.


1. What is the best way to reduce my loan balance?

The best way to reduce your loan balance is to make more than the minimum payment each month. This will help you pay off your loan faster and save money on interest.

2. Can I refinance my loan if I have bad credit?

Yes, you may be able to refinance your loan even if you have bad credit. However, you will likely have to pay a higher interest rate.

3. What is a loan forgiveness program?

A loan forgiveness program is a government program that forgives the debt of borrowers who work in certain public service jobs. There are many different loan forgiveness programs available, so you should research to see if you are eligible.

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4. How can I avoid increasing my loan balance?

To avoid increasing your loan balance, you should make your payments on time and in full. You should also avoid making late payments or missed payments, as this can lead to late fees, higher interest rates, and capitalization of interest.

5. What are the consequences of increasing my loan balance?

If you increase your loan balance, you will have to pay more interest over the life of the loan. This can make it more difficult to repay your loan and can damage your credit score.

I hope this article has helped you understand what factors can increase your loan balance and how to avoid it. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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