9 Common Computer Problems for Small Businesses and Their Solutions

9 Common Computer Problems for Small Businesses and Their Solutions

Technological advancements have allowed small businesses to compete more closely with large corporations. However, small businesses struggle with tech issues daily. This is not surprising considering that 27% of small businesses have no IT support.

This makes it difficult for owners to avoid or resolve common computer problems. The first step towards resolving these issues is learning what they are and what causes them. They can either be software or hardware related.

Most computer problems are caused by lack of routine maintenance. As a small business owner, you need to understand that computers need a routine check-up.

The more you learn about these problems, the easier it will be to control and solve them. Here are nine common computer issues faced by small business and tips on how to solve them.

1. Slow Internet

This is among the most common problem in small businesses. Users want fast internet at all times. Slow internet reduces productivity and wastes time. The problem can be as a result of viruses or spyware. Also, sites that use a high amount of bandwidth can slow the internet service down.

Block access to sites such as YouTube and torrent during working hours. These sites take up a large chunk of the bandwidth and slow down internet services. More so, block any pop-ups that may cause viruses in the network. Also, you should get bandwidths that meet your business needs.

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2. Account Login Issues

It’s quite frustrating not being able to log into an account. This is common in small business. Someone will say, but I logged in a few hours ago. Sometimes the problem is minor, such as using the uppercase when typing credentials.

The user may also be locked out after keying in the wrong password severally as a security measure. Sometimes it is a network security issue causing a denial of service.

Ensure that network security is up to date to prevent attacks that may cause a denial of service. For suspended accounts, the network administrator can restore the accounts.

3. Printer Issues

Printer complains are quite famous. Sometimes a user may have failed to turn the printer on. Other times, cable issues could be the cause. Also, one should routinely check whether the printer is low on ink and needs a refill.

It is easy to forget that printers need maintenance checks too. Ensure they are dusted and the ink refilled as required. Before printing, ensure that the printer is on and the network cable is plugged in. You should also ensure that the cable is functioning properly.

4. The Annoying Blue Screen

For those using windows operating system, this blue screen is a common problem. It is an error message when the system crashes. The operating system cannot operate after a system error hence the blue screen.

This error is resolved by performing a system restore. Ensure that your operating system updated as required to system errors.

5. Security

Are you aware that 65% of small businesses do not recover from a cyber attack? You should take your network security seriously. Most small business owners do not have any network protection measures in place. They assume that security is a problem for large companies.

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Protecting your business from cyber insecurities requires one to invest in network security. Ensure that your firewall is strong and running at all times. Make use of network monitoring tools to detect and avert such attacks.

6. Data Backup and Recovery Are  Common Computer Problems

Ever heard a loud curse from an office only to rush there and find the issue is data loss? The person may have been working on a document without saving it as they progress. A user may have deleted a file and thought it is lost forever. Other times, it is a major issue such as a virus attack.

The solution is to empower your staff with basic computer knowledge. Save the document as you work on it. Let them know that the document goes into the recycle bin before it is permanently deleted.

More so, to prevent major data loss, set up a backup recovery plan. Store your data in a secondary location that you can retrieve after a data loss and continue with work.

7. Integration Issues

Today’s word is a digital one, and technology keeps evolving. The business needs to add on to its original IT infrastructure and progress with new technology. This means that different equipment and software solutions are needed to keep business running.

For every new software or equipment added, ensure there is a seamless integration. If the software development was outsourced, ensure that the developer integrates it fully. It should mesh with your existing environment before closing the project.

8. Viruses and Malware

It only takes one click to infect your computer with a virus. Regardless of how careful you are, such mistakes are likely to occur. Viruses cause many problems for small businesses.  For instance, they expose the company’s confidential data and lead to data loss.

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To protect your business against viruses, ensure you have an antivirus installed in all computers. Ensure regular maintenance is done to update software. Also, run routine checks using the antivirus software. Further, caution your staff against clicking on questionable links and emails.

9. Lack of IT Plan

Small business owners fail to come up with an IT strategy. This is a big problem. Many business owners neglect this part of the business until something major happens. By the time this happens, it is already too late to salvage data or prevent a cyber-attack.

It is advisable to have an IT plan as soon as you set up. Work with an IT expert who can help you identify the IT infrastructure needed for your business. Also, you ought to budget for professional IT support for your business. Research and learn more about IT support services for small business.

IT Problems in Small Businesses

The common computer problems faced by small businesses are due to lack of maintenance. Routine checks are the number one way to prevent such problems. Don’t neglect the technology part of the business. It helps in achieving your business goals. Thus, it is important to plan and budget for any computer problems that may arise.

Contact our IT experts for more information on how to improve your business IT infrastructure.

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